Violence in dating relationships: validation of an instrument for its measurement
dating violence, validation and reliability of an instrument, violent behavior in college studentsAbstract
The present study aims to present the results of the validation and reliability of an instrument for measuring violence in dating relationships in college students. This study was performed in order to have a reliable and valid instrument that can be used in future studies, and to detect the prevalence of violent behavior in college couples. The procedures for validation and reliability are the index used Cronbach's Alpha for reliability, and magazine articles as the basis for content validity, and a interjueceo to strengthen the consistency of reagents. The instrument divided into three sections, with application to women and men, in university education. The reagents described situations where violent behavior may occur. Results: We obtained a Cronbach Alpha Index of Reliability 0913; were reduced from 84-71 reagents, because they provided consistency according to procedure interjueceo. Conclusion: With the internal validity and reliability we obtained an instrument to identify violent behavior in couples.References
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