Cognitive-behavioral intervention in case of depressive disorder due to trauma of multiple knee structures
Depression, psychology, clinical, cognitive-behavioral, conditionAbstract
Psychotherapeutic intervention, with a cognitive behavioral approach, is effective and efficient to treat Depression Disorder due to trauma to multiple knee structures. The present work describes an intervention with a 33-year-old male patient from Tamaulipas, Mexico, who suffered a work accident while driving a motorcycle and was hit by another vehicle, leaving him as a sequel a permanent disability, and from then on, depression. Methodology used was the design of a single case study, since it reports the clinical intervention for a specific problem. The intervention was carried out in 10 50-minute sessions, with the aim of reducing emotions such as anger and sadness on a daily basis, sleep problems, and fatigue. Results of the pre- and post-therapy evaluations show a decrease in depressive symptomatology, which concludes the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral approach in the treatment of the disorder, in agreement with other studies.References
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