psychology of organizations, personal values, organizational commitment, structural equationsAbstract
The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between personal values and organizational commitment of a group of officials from an institution of higher education in Bogotá. This research is part of the four-factor model which is proposed by Schwartz (2006) and the three-components model of organizational commitment of Meyer et al (1993). This research was conducted by a correlational study with a sample of 128 officials from executive, professional and assistant levels. In order to collect the data the questionnaires used were Portrait of Schwartz and the Questionnaire of organizational commitment of Meyer et al (1993). Both tools were adapted culturally to ensure linguistic, semantic and cultural equivalence and a pilot study was made with a group of 101 people. The correlation coefficients did not show an association between the variables proposed. The structural equations model showed a very low percentage of variance of the data. An alternative model was found to best explain the relationship of the constructs; in this alternative model three variables emerged, which were analyzed based on different groups of values within two factors: individualism and collectivism. It was concluded that while some authors have identified the relationship between the proposed constructs, this associations complex, because it involves many more variables, and could be more appropriate to analyze the consistency of the values of the subjects and the declared values of the company.References
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