Talking to empowerment: a study of a sample of male in northwest Mexico


  • Ana Lilia Banda Castro Universidad de Sonora
  • Miguel Arturo Morales Zamorano Universidad de Sonora
  • Ana Cynthia Vanegas Lizárraga Universidad de Sonora



study of gender, empowerment, self-concept, self-esteem, structural equation


The members of the communities are potentially enablers of personal and community development. Likewise, empowerment plays an important role in the actions taken by these social actors with gender differences in first place, so the question of the existence of differences addresses the aim of this study to identify the intrapersonal component of a sample of male belonging to an urban population, whose elements are consistent with those raised by a theory of empowerment. 57 people answered a questionnaire with 81 items belonging to the Tennessee and personal agency and empowerment scales. Structural equations were used to identify the intrapersonal component of empowerment composed of self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy and empowerment elements. The results obtained from the proposed model supports the theoretical model. It was concluded that the sample of men studied has a positive intrapersonal component that differs from that characterized the sample of women, suggesting that in the first instance building actions for the population must be directed towards the female gender.

Author Biographies

Ana Lilia Banda Castro, Universidad de Sonora

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Sonora, Cerrada San Fernando 14 Col. Capistrano C.P. 83248 Hermosillo, Sonora. México.

Miguel Arturo Morales Zamorano, Universidad de Sonora

Doctor en Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad de Sonora, Ave. 10 No. 89 entre calles Tres y Perimetral Col. Bugambilias C. P. 83140 Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Teléfono celular 0446623616671.

Ana Cynthia Vanegas Lizárraga, Universidad de Sonora

Lic. en Negocios y Comercio Internacional. Universidad de Sonora, Calle Primera No. 46 Oeste Col. Centro. H. Caborca, Sonora, México. Teléfono celular 044 6371147935.


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Investigación empírica y análisis teórico