Validation of factors to the machiavellian personality scale


  • Reyes Santiago Álvarez Salas Universidad Autónoma de Baja California



personality, Machiavellianism, Mach IV, perfectionism, Anxiety


This research is a proposal to update the Mach IV instrument incorporating new factors that explore dimensions of the Machiavellian personality not previously measured in the test, as proposed by McHoskey (1999). 4 items that comprise two factors which will join the Mach IV test, intrinsic and extrinsic goals are added. The anxiety factor which consists of 5 items in which the subject's ability to control their emotions in reference to the social sphere is explored is attached. 9 items that comprise two factors, self-oriented perfectionism and towards others are incorporated.Data from a sample of 325 people from 20-51 years of the city of Mexicali BC reported A correlational statistical analysis allowed the validation of new items incorporated in the instrument was conducted. In relation to previous research the importance of an update of Test stands.


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