Psychometric properties of a scale of social participation
Social participation, content validity, reliability, construct validityAbstract
The aim of this study was to identify the psychometric properties of a scale of social participation in a sample of Mexican urban population. 400 participants who gave their voluntary consent were surveyed. It was hypothesized that eight dimensions could search the social participation that are linked to some structures of ecological model of human behavior. 91 items were reviewed by a group of experts who agreed that they had content validity, the scale was applied by trained psychologists in one session at their homes. A factorial analysis was made and got 8 factors or dimensions. It was concluded that the scale has reliability and construct validity. Dimensions: Accountability, Decision Making and Social Organization are located in the mesosystem structure of ecological model of human behavior and Negative Orientation Suffrage, Tax Compliance, Civic Obligations, Traffic Regulations and Political Participation are dimensions that belong to ontosystem.References
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