Communication and digital culture in university students of the UACJS
positioning, social networks, students, collegeAbstract
The Facebook’s positioning relevance among college students belonging to the UACJS, Campus Tampico was preliminary explored by using a non-experimental, cross sectional design developed as a stratified probabilistic test compound of 390 students who are part of the Bachelor of Communication Sciences program of the Unidad Académica de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, of The Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. In this, a questionnaire was administered and within it, a section in which the technique of natural semantic networks was included in order to obtain the Facebook’s relative positioning. The results given show that, although considering the semantic weight (SW) and semantic density of the concepts (SDC), common and differential elements of meaning coexist among the rated objects, which is why Facebook is considered the core concept in the definition of each group; while Twitter, Messenger, hi5, My Space and Metroflog are positioned as shared elements for the different groups.References
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