Emotional attrition, teacher performance and constructivist teaching in the basic public educational organization in COVID-19
Emotional attrition, teacher performance, constructivism, public educational organization, COVID-19Abstract
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize that long-term social
welfare in institutions is only possible by taking care of issues such as health,
decent work and quality education. Within the COVID-19 confinement, the teacher was key to the continuity of functions in public educational organizations. The teachers challenge was to be constant, at least in three aspects: 1) to sustain
mental health, 2) to maintain efficiency in their functions and 3) to adapt
constructivist didactics in distance classes. The objective of the research is to
analyze the relationship between emotional exhaustion, teacher performance and
constructivist teaching practices in the public educational organization at the
elementary level. The methodology was empirical-statistical, non-experimental,
cross-sectional, non-parametric. Based on the application of 190 surveys, a
structural equation model was tested with the partial least squares technique (PLS-
SEM). The results show that Emotional Attrition has a negative, direct and
significant effect with Teaching Performance and, indirectly negative and direct,
with constructivist distance practices.
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