Bibliometric and content analysis of the scientific production of psychology related to the study of entrepreneurship: towards a new conceptual proposal
entrepreneurship, systematic review, bibliometric analysis, content analysis, entrepreneurial behaviorAbstract
Entrepreneurship has had a recent study boom by various disciplines that have been concerned about the phenomenon, among these is psychology. The aim of this paper was to analyze the work of psychology under a systematic approach to the literature, in order to identify gaps by the discipline in the research of entrepreneurship in which a new conceptual proposal could be inserted. A bibliometric analysis was carried out on 532 scientific texts resulting from inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the main countries, universities and authors who have contributed to the subject were obtained. An inductive content analysis of the most cited texts of the previous sample (n = 15) was also carried out in order to obtain a map of research lines which was confirmed and detailed with a deductive content analysis of the scientific texts with 80% of accumulated citations (n = 100). As a result of this, the possibility of including the study of entrepreneurship from entrepreneurial behavior is contemplated.
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