Prerequisites for academic learning in children with high and low school performance
cognitive skills, school learning, reading comprehension, neuropsychological assessment, cognitive development, literacy learningAbstract
Educational success depends on the consolidation of literacy and mathematics at the end of the third grade of primary school (Secretaría de Educación Pública [SEP], 2016), where Mexican students score low on international assessments. The performance of the cognitive skills involved in reading, writing and mathematics of 20 children of third and fourth year of primary school (8-10 years old) with low and high school performance were assessed. For this purpose 23 subtests of the BANETA and ENI-2 were applied. Four factors of analysis were established: reading comprehension, reading, writing and mathematics. U Mann-Whitney showed there were significant differences between the groups in all the factors (p=.001): reading, writing and mathematics. In the reading comprehension factor, both groups were located in percentiles below the mean (low normal and deficient). It is concluded that reading comprehension is affected in both groups although the alterations in the group with low performance are found in the first level of reading processing and in the group with high school performance in the second level.References
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