Body Image Distortion and Dissatisfaction in a Mexican sample


  • Cecilia Meza Peña Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Edith Pompa Guajardo Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



body image, distortion, dissatisfaction, body mass index, body silhouettes


The present study analyzes the relationship between body image satisfaction and distortion with the body mass index (BMI). Participants were 540 students from different schools of middle and higher level from Monterrey, Mexico; age ranked from 16 to 25 years. The anthropometric data (weight, height, BMI) were evaluated and later the participants completed the Figure Rating Scale, where they reported the self-perception of their current body image and their ideal body image. The results show difference between the real and ideal body image, and between the real body image and the BMI group. It also reveals that the higher the BMI the greater distortion in the body image, moreover women show the greatest dissatisfaction with their body image. In conclusion, dissatisfaction and distortion in the perception of body image is present in people living with overweight and obesity, but men and women face this phenomenon in a different form. Mental and health professionals can take advantage of this discomfort when implementing strategies to control obesity, while working in building a healthy and realistic body image.


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