Factor structure of satisfaction with life scale and convergent validity with the quality of life scale in high school Mexican students
satisfaction with life, factor analysis, convergent validity, Mexican students, high schoolAbstract
The purpose of this study was to calculate the construct and convergent validity of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWL), Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985) in 428 high school students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used. Diener et al. (1985) designed a scale that standardize the measure of satisfaction with life, in a valid and reliable way. Results show that ?´s of the items have a spread from .58 to .88. The internal consistency coefficient Cronbach’s alpha is .85, with a confidence interval of 95% (.826- . 871). Pearson coefficient correlation between SWLS and Quality Life Scale is r= .395; p< .01; IC95%: .293, .486. There is agreement between the findings thrown by both types of factor analysis. The measure of model corresponds to the created for Diener et al. (1985): the five items show validity and reliability, as reported by other studies in different cultural contexts.
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