Determinants of intrapreneurial behavior in companies in the northeastern of Mexico: an exploratory study
Environmental factors, organizational factors, intrapreneurship, corporate entre-preneurship, qualitative analysisAbstract
It has been widely recognized in the literature that the legitimate path to guarantee growth and development of the company is intrapreneurship. However, the need for a deep understanding of the conditions that generate the corporate entrepreneurship in environments considered hostile is recognized, in order to find external and internal factors that encourage or inhibit such behavior in the company. To achieve this, a method of qualitative research, non-experimental design and exploratory scope was proposed, whose field design consisted of documentary analysis and application, transcription, coding and analysis, using Atlas Ti7 © of 11 interviews with people highly related to the intrapreneurial phenomenon of cities in the north, center and south of the state of Tamaulipas. This has allowed, in summary, to the recognition of underlying factors that detonate, potentialize or inhibit intrapreneurship, some of which have been little or nullified in previous investigations, such as the influence of government support, issues related to perception in matters of security and behavioral issues of the lower levels.
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