Approximations to social representations and its usefulness in the study of poverty
Social representations, poverty, utility, symbolicAbstract
In this paper the theoretical basis and general principles, first proposed by Moscovici, and extended by a large number of researchers among them Jodelet, Abric approach to Social Representations (SR) is described, and Doise, and for his contributions the study of the structure or process of SR. The particularity of the SR as thought structures built through contact with others makes them susceptible to being used in the study of various social phenomena as beyond the narrow limits of the strictly psychological processes enabling a more comprehensive view of the reality and specifically the symbolic background that half the positions and behavior of individuals towards objects with which it interacts, so the study from the SR of such a large and growing condition in Mexico as poverty, expand the ways which has been traditionally addressed the phenomenon where economic pathway has been exclusive, be noted that alternative solutions to be successful, should consider the symbolic constructions to the poverty of those who experience.References
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