Structural dysfunctions in the marital, parental and fraternal subsystems of nuclear families: Case of families whose wife-mother studies in a higher education institution


  • Diana Del Socorro Chávez de la Fuente Agencia del Ministerio Público
  • Julio Jiménez Herrera Universidad Veracruzana
  • Silvia López Velázquez Hospital General de Minatitlán



family system, subsystem, professional development, dysfunction


This investigation about nuclear families and housewife’s wishing to develop professionally was conducted in a medium-sized city in southern Veracruz Mexico. This study on comprehensive-interpretive (qualitative) modality presents the families nuclear systems. These families are seriously affected in their parental, fraternal and marital subsystems when the mother incorporates into an institution of higher education. Furthermore, this study offers the methodological process used as well as the results that were found. The effort started with the review of literature, followed by the choice of the theoretical frameworks available in order to approach the phenomenon to know it and intervene it in the future.

Author Biographies

Diana Del Socorro Chávez de la Fuente, Agencia del Ministerio Público

Investigadora especializada en delitos contra la libertad, la seguridad sexual y contra la familia. Cardel, Ver.

Julio Jiménez Herrera, Universidad Veracruzana

Profesor TC, retirado de la Universidad Veracruzana, campus Minatitlán Ver


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Investigación empírica y análisis teórico