About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista de Psicología y Ciencias del Comportamiento de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (RPCC-UACJS) is an indexed and peer reviewed scientific journal in related areas to human behavior. The RPCC UACJS is edited by the Univesidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas through the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Aplicado al Comportamiento. The RPCC is aimed at researchers, teachers and students of any institution, both national and international, and to anyone interested in contribute to the study of human behavior through quality scientific research. The RPCC-UACJS receives original contributions from any psychological approach and  sciences as pedagogy, anthropology, sociology, economy, politic science, communication science, cognitive sciences, neurosciences, history, law, social work, journalism, philosophy of sciences, and any discipline related to the study of human behavior; however, the RPCC also accepts texts from biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, genetics, ecology, and any field of knowledge as long as it is justify a relevant contribution to human behavior study.

The RPCC-UACJS is a printed and electronic bi-annual publication (january-june and july-december) and accepts contributions both Spanish and English language. The RPCC-UACJS have tree sections:

Empirical and theoretical research. This section allows scientific articles product of conceptual analysis as well as theoretical and mathematical models about human behavior, methodological developments and empirical scientific research from both quantitative and qualitative approaches, with strict attachment to the scientific method.

Literature Reviews. In this section are exposed articles derivated from a thorough literature reviews about a specific theme. It will be prioritized articles that follows Systematic Reviews methodologies and meta-analysis.

Reflection and opinion. Section that exposes essays which are a product of a critical analysis that points out problems related to human behavior as well as possible answers or ways to solve them.


Every text passes through a meticulous evaluation that encompasses the following characteristics: orthography, grammar, adherence to American Psychology Association Style, and originality of the contribution (the last one aspect is evaluated with help of the specialized software Turnitin). If this review is approved, the article is then reviewed for at least two experts on the subject in a double blind process.

The RPCC-UACJS is an Open Access publication financed by the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Currently the journal is indexed in the following repositories and databases: Indice Mexicano de Revistas Biomédicas Latinoamericanas (IMBIOMED), Scholar Google, Directorio y Catálogo del Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX), Matríz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR), Fundación Dialnet, Actualidad Iberoamericana, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) y el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACYT, among others.

Peer Review Process

The RPCC-UACJS accepts original articles of empirical and theoretical research, and systematic reviews of scientific literature in the field of psychology and behavioral sciences, as well as essays that are product of a reflexive critique about human behavior. Articles postulated parallel to another journal will not be accepted. Every text is meticulously evaluated by the Editor and the Editorial Staff as well as reviewed by peers through a double blind process.

The first stage (Editorial Review) is an evaluation of orthography, grammar and adherence to American Psychology Association Style and the Publication Guidelines of the RPCC as well as an originality evaluation using Turnitin software. Articles that present plagiarism will not be accepted (see Ethics Norms of RPCC-UACJS for a more detailed definition about this issue). Likewise, it is necessary that articles strictly attach to the Publication Norms since if not neither can will be accepted.

If the article passes the previous review it will be submitted to a peer review in the pertinent thematic area, through a double blind process. For this, it is solicited to do the revision to two researchers of our Reviewers team. According to the content area of the article. Our Reviewers team is conformed by researchers of diverse areas as neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economy, among others, with a wide experience in their disciplinary field. If for any reason the reviewers of our team cannot do the solicited review, we look to external researchers, in the modality of Invited Reviewers. In these cases the Editor of Revista de Psicología y Ciencias del Comportamiento de la U.A.C.J.S. value the profile pertinence of the researchers before to do the review solicitude.

The possible results of the revision of one reviewers are:

ACCEPTED (It is no necessary to do modifications).

ACCEPTED WITH MINOR MODIFICATIONS (The article requires minimum corrections, it is usually about deficiencies in expositive clarity and specificity of proposed ideas).

ACCEPTED WITH SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATIONS (The article requires important corrections. Commonly in these cases the reviewers considerate relevant the study object, objectives and research results, but they mark out substantial deficiencies [e.g. theoretical and/or methodological lacks in the research]. The article requires a second review once done the modifications).

REJECTED (The work does not have the characteristics of an empirical or theoretical research).

An article will be directly accepted if two reviewers considerate it ACCEPTED. Divergence situations are considered all of those in which one reviewer considerates ACCEPTED or ACCEPTED WITH MINOR MODIFICATIONS the article while a second reviewer considerates REJECTED or ACCEPTED WITH SUBSANTIAL MODIFICATIONS. Moreover are divergence situations those cases in which the one reviewer accept with substantial modifications while a second reviewer reject the article. If divergence are present, it is request to a third reviewer to do evaluation of the article.

The authors will receive the result of the review and the observations and recommendations of reviewers about article within a period of 3 to 6 months. If an article needs substantial modifications, it is requires to the reviewer to do an evaluation again once done the modifications.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.